
What is important when installing or updating an extension?
Modules for Magento 2 will usually have a README file in the module package. Follow the instructions from that README file to install the module. Import...
Di, 9 Feb, 2021 um 10:07 VORMITTAGS
How do I install a Magento extension with Composer?
this tutorialThis article describes how to use Composer to install extensions from Magento Marketplace ( For other sources (e.g. Github) p...
Mo, 13 Jun, 2022 um 12:42 NACHMITTAGS
How do I enable the logging in Magento?
The logging needs to be enabled in Magento 2 in several places. Follow these steps: Log in to the Magento Admin Panel. Enable the logging in the Magento ...
Do, 11 Nov, 2021 um 10:58 VORMITTAGS

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